Financial Planning Services:
Our clients compensate us for our expertise and time. Your Financial Planning Service fee depends on the complexity of your financial situation and the level of services you would like to receive. After we discuss your situation and goals in our Get-Acquainted Meeting, we share with you the amount of fees for us to work together. Our fee for new clients typically starts from $2,000.
For our Investment Service client with invested assets of $1,500,000 or more, Financial Planning Service fee is waived.
Investment Services:
Our fee is calculated as a percentage of your invested assets we manage. Minimum new client account size is $500,000. A lower minimum account size applies to clients who are engaged in ongoing Financial Planning Services.
Your Invested Assets:
- 1.5% per year on the first $500,000, plus
- 1.3% per year for amounts greater than $500,000 up to $750,000, plus
- 1.0% per year for amounts greater than $750,000 up to $2,000,000, plus
- 0.9% per year for amounts greater than $2,000,000 up to $4,000,000, plus
- 0.5% per year for amounts greater than $4,000,000 up to $5,000,000, plus
- 0.35% per year from amounts greater than $5,000,000
Life Insurance:
We are licensed with multiple life insurance companies. If you would like us to solicit and compare proposals from high-quality life insurance companies, we are happy to do so. When your policy is issued, we receive compensation from the insurance company you have chosen.
Are you wondering if we can help?
Kazuyo Deguchi, Chartered Financial Analyst
Certified Financial PlannerTM (USA and JAPAN)
P: 408.886.1301